Herb Tastings

Herb Tastings are blind tastings of a herb infusion usually practiced in a group setting.

It is a great way of experiential learning and building a deeper connection to a herb and plant without preconceptions. 

During a herb tasting we taste and and sit with the herb, see how it affects our bodies and emotions, and then share our experiences. We will then expand on these experiences with intellectual knowledge from books and people to give the learning that context too.

It is also a wonderful way to socialise and for experienced herbalists to really delve into nuances of some medicines and their uses.

We did many sessions of this during our Thursday evening drop-in sessions over the summer at the Curve garden.

Herbs included Mugwort, Yarrow, Rosehips, Echinacea, Burdock, Elderflowers.

Tasting the Herb
Sharing experiences
Fresh mugwort from the marshes
Reading up on plants
Recording experiences

Sarah explaining about…..

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