We will be making a calming massage oil and look at how acupressure points and massage can aid a restful sleep for your little one and yourself, amongst gentle herbal preparation and lots of other techniques.
Our next Herbal Help for Mums and Dads is happening next
Monday 15th May
from 11.30am to 12.30pm at the Roundchapel on Powerscroft Road, Hackney, E5. This time we will be in a different room downstairs due to a funeral. The entrance will be via the ramp at the end of the building on Powerscroft Road. Watch out for the signs to guide you.
We will look at a few digestive herbs that help to encourage good digestion and absorption of nutrients, that reduce colic, wind and painful upsets and that can be good for diarrhoea and constipation. Make your own tasty 'digestive ball' that soothe all kinds of stomach upsets!
This time we will be looking at Skin and what it reflects.
Explore the importance of internal balance and external influences on your child's skin health and how you can approach problems like eczema and sensitivities.
We will create our own soothing and healing balm.
Brace yourself for another fun and sensory session.